Tuesday, September 25, 2007

How To Instantly Read Your Prospects Mind by Harnessing The Power of 5 Magic Words

Want to dramatically increase your product sales? Are you frustrated with the lack of response to your ads?

Perhaps you are working harder, instead of smarter when planning your ad campaign. What's the cure?

A little 'marketing magic' is the answer...

I'm going to show you how to read your prospects mind, without using ESP, by arranging 14 simple letters into a magical phrase that is guaranteed to reveal what your prospect is thinking at this very moment!

Pay close attention, because the magic is unfolding now:

------> What's - in - it - for - me? <-----

You are officially inside the mind of a potential customer!

And guess what...every potential customer is thinking the exact same thing at this very moment!

Those 5 words should be printed and posted so that you can remind yourself daily of the key to smarter advertising.

Before you close this edition, make a point to open a Word document, type in "What's in it for me?" in large letters, actually print it out and post it next to your computer.

The simplicity of this will surprise you.

Marketing is not quite as complicated as we tend to make it. But there are some rules. And the first is to realize the mindset of your target market. To do this, you must do a little role playing.
Once you get to the 'other side', diving into the marketing waters, it's hard to return to the 'outside looking in' way of thinking. It is important not to leave that mindset behind.

Remember the shoes you were wearing before you jumped in the water.

Think about that for a minute. You are placing ads everywhere and to your disappointment, you cannot get a hit or a response to save your life. You ask yourself, "What am I doing wrong?!"

Time to take a step back and review. Make a point to recall the ads that made you react. What words, phrases, or style of ad prompted you to act? Write those things down as you recall them.

Now take a look at the latest crop of classified or sponsor ads in a newsletter you subscribe to. But this time look with the 'outside looking in' eyes. And as you read them, ask yourself the "magic" question: "What's in it for me?"

In other words, ask yourself .. "how can this product or service benefit me?"

If you see an ad that says, "We're the #1 most popular service on the internet!", that's not a benefit. The fact that they say they're number one means nothing to you, nor anyone else. Who cares?!

However, if the ad went on to tell you that "because we're # 1, you'll achieve your goals 13 weeks faster than our competition!" --then that's a benefit! That's "what's in it for you".
Let me show you a recent scenario regarding an ad I spotted. I excluded the email address to protect the innocent :-)

Mr. Joe Blow's Ad: [Working Harder]
"Are you interested in improving your financial situation?"
My Revisions: [Working Smarter]
"F.REE report: 5 ways to shave $1,000's in credit card interest starting today. Send for your no cost report now:

Which would you respond to?

The original ad is boring, tells you nothing, and will get passed over like roadkill.
The smarter ad tells you what's in it for you by spelling out the immediate benefits. Plus it calls you to take action.

With a slight revision and attention to those 5 little words, Joe will now experience a dramatic increase in his response rate. And he didn't have to take a single ESP class! :-)

OK, here's where you print something out and post it. You know what to do.
Copyright 2004 David Lovelace

About The Author

Dave Lovelace is publisher of "6 Figure Mar.keting Tips" audio e-letter. Discover smarter mar.keting strategies that generate prospects and profits starting today. F.ree course, "5 Simple Steps to Internet Profits" when you subscribe today. Grab a sample e-letter and your f-ree 1 year subscription here: http://www.6figuremarketing.com/subscribe.html

Unleash the Powers of Your Mind and Attain Your Heart's Desires

Before we begin, let me first ask you a simple question. Don’t worry. This won’t bend your mind nor twist your brain. It’s a no-brainer, actually. Ok, here goes: What do Superman, Spiderman, Batman and the Incredible Hulk have in common?

See, it’s easy, right? Yes, they all have supernatural powers – special abilities that make them supreme, invincible and indestructible, and which cause them to be recognized as superheroes. They use these special powers to do good things to people and defeat evil entities.
But, unfortunately, they are not real. They are only works of man’s creative imagination. They don’t exist in the real world.

Now, let us try to add another one in the list; this time, a real person, say you, me, your teacher, next-door neighbor, or simply anyone who exists in this world. The list would now be like this: Superman, Spiderman, Batman, the Incredible Hulk, and you.

Again, same question: What could be the common factor among those in the list? Remember, it includes you now. So before answering, you might ask another question first. Is there really something we all possess?

Indeed, there is.

Even changing the last entry to me, your teacher, next-door neighbor, or whoever real person you may think of, still there will always be something common between a superhero and a real person like you and me, and that is power.

As real people in the real world, we can never possess any of these supernatural physical powers. What we have is the power to mold our personality, to shape our future, to create our destiny, and to determine who and what we are – a power greater than any other supernatural powers, a power that builds reality and not mere imagination, a power which everyone possesses and can make him a hero in his own ways. This is the power of the mind.

"What the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve!" -- Napoleon Hill

The mind is an infinite wonder. It has the fantastic ability to transmute your desires into their physical counterparts. You can do anything that your mind can conceive, as long as you have the belief and will power to back it up.

I bet you haven't thought how powerful you can be.

We have the power to reverse what the outside world makes us believe in. If it says that we are wrong, we have the power to make us right. If it says we are losers, we have the power to be winners. If it says we are non-existent, we have the power to make everyone see that we are alive and surviving.

And that is how the power of our mind works – making us more supreme, invincible, and indestructible than any other superhero is.

If the world says you can’t, say “I can. Therefore, I will.”
There is absolutely no limit with what the mind can achieve. But you have to combine belief, will power, and action with positive thinking in order to arrive at your intended destination. You are capable of attaining your heart's deepest desires - by unleashing the hidden powers of your mind!

For more information on this subject, go to http://www.nbba.biz/sim/ican/
Copyright 2005 Hilda Johnson-Slaton

The Author

Hilda Johnson-Slaton is owner of "Never Be Broke Again Biz" specializing in hot Niche Info-Products with Resell Rights.
Visit http://www.nbba.biz to learn to earn from Multiple Income Streams from varied Niche Markets.

The Power of Your Subconscious Mind

"The reason man may become the master of his own destiny is because he has the power to influence his own subconscious mind." – Napoleon Hill

The power of your subconscious mind cannot be under estimated. Even though we do not fully understand how the subconscious works exactly, the power of it is undisputed.

It is important to understand that both negative and positive thoughts have an effect on your subconscious mind. By continually dwelling on what's wrong in our life, our subconscious is fed with negatives, and we become gloomy. Just by being aware of what we think, read, and listen to, we can make a positive change.

If you leave it, your subconscious mind will be like a garden that is unattended - the weeds will take over.

You DO have control over this awesome power. And the really cool thing is that there is no rocket science needed to develop it.

A practical method for feeding your subconscious mind with positive material is reading. Find an article, or book chapter about something that really strikes a chord with you - somthing that's really positive. Keep this this handy (bedsied drawer or on your desk), and read it regularly. You will be amazed at how easily you recall this material after only a short time. That is the power of your subconscious mind.

As Mr Hill advises us, we have "the power to influence his own subconscuious mind".
You have the choice. Use it wisely my friend. You can only benefit.

About The Author

Colin Dunbar's eaziGOAL goal setting program leads you from the identification of your goal, developing a real goal path, through to successful conclusion of your goal. eBook, with proven techniques and methods, plus a workbook, PLUS goal setting software. Everything you need to succeed with your goal setting in one package. Get the full details now eaziGOAL.com.

Do You Neglect The Power Of Your Mind?

James Allen, who wrote the masterpiece, As a Man Thinketh, talks about the vital power of the mind in creating success. “All that a man achieves and all that he fails to achieve is the direct results of his own thoughts. In a justly ordered universe, where loss of equipoise would mean total destruction, individual responsibility must be absolute. A man’s weakness and strength, purity and impurity, are his own, and not another man’s; they are brought about by himself, and not by another; and they can only be altered by himself, never another. His condition is also his own, and not another man’s. His suffering had his happiness are evolved from within. As he thinks, so is he as he continues to think, so he remains.”

We neglect our minds by allowing them to be conditioned, by habits, by environment, by our social systems, and when things go wrong, we blame it on others, or events outside our control, but, in truth, we are the one’s responsible...for our minds are perfectly capable of rising to the occasion, of creating original thoughts based on fresh perceptions. Those who use the mind well may produce sublime works of art or science, create great fortunes, discover new worlds. An alert, well-ordered mind is a powerful asset.

Do you neglect the power of your mind?

Do you, for example, ask your mind for terrible things? Thoughts create effects, on your body, in your personal interactions, and in the environment. They are dynamic. Even a passive thought is having some kind of effect on your internal organs or the way your biochemistry works. Do you ask your mind for ill-health, poverty, fear, ignorance, bad habits, incompetence, misfortune? If you are experiencing any such conditions it is because you have specifically directed your mind that way. Or do you, simply, not use your mind to create your reality, but merely respond to your environment, acting reflexively, without original thought or perception, without much awareness, lulled into a mind-numbing routine.

The mind is vital to creation. If it is used well, it can produce thoughts that create a magical reality around you. However, if , for one reason or another, you have become a slave to habits, to autonomic thought processes, to reflexive behavior and unoriginal thinking, then your thoughts will produce poor results in your life, and, you might throw away a fortune.

About The Author

Saleem Rana got his masters in psychotherapy from California Lutheran University. His articles on the internet have inspired over ten thousand people from around the world. Discover how to create a remarkable life. Free information.
Copyright 2005 Saleem Rana. Please feel free to pass this article on to your friends, or use it in your ezine or newsletter. It's a shareware article.

Unleash the Power of the Mind

Your mind has incredible power. You have an amazing power of your mind. You have abilities that you're not even aware of. You were born with these powers and abilities but unfortunately, you have never learned how to master them. Instead you've probably gone through life like an unguided missile heading toward different targets and by trial and error hoping for the best - but never really making your dreams come true. You need to unleash your power. You need to develop your Intuition by tapping into the power of your subconscious mind.

Every time I have a negative feeling, I use various techniques that I have learned to dismiss it away. I'm doing positive affirmations several times a day, which really makes me feel good. I have been focusing on different areas like relationships, career and self confidence, but my health is probably the one area I have focused most on. Research has shown that 75% of all sickness and disease starts in the mind. They have also proven that stress, which starts in the mind, is the number one cause of all fatigue and illness. I had been troubled by dizziness for about a year, and had been to several doctors who were not able to diagnose the problem.

Earlier this year I was diagnosed with arthritis and the doctors said that I had to undergo surgery. They asked me to return in three months. I kept affirming that my head was calm, that I felt peace of mind and was in good health. To my and my doctors' surprise the disease had cleared up and there will be no need for surgery anymore. The only thing I did was say these affirmations. These results may not happen for everyone but well worth the try.

Another area of my focus was my new established online business. I affirmed that I was going to earn money enough to quit my consultant job that I was sick and tiered of and be able to make my own good living from this business. A few months ago I started out with an income of $50. Now I'm making more money per month than I've ever made and my monthly income is rapidly growing. My dream for many years has finally come true. If I can do it, why can't you?

About The Author

Terje Brooks Ellingsen is a writer and Sociologist who runs http://www.1st-self-improvement.net/. He writes about self improvement issues like affirmations for self esteem, see http://www.1st-self-improvement.net/self_esteem_improvement.htm and positive relationships, see http://www.1st-self-improvement.net/building_positive_relationships.htm.

How to Increase Your Mind Power by being a Whole-brain Thinker Using the Technique of Mind Mapping

The term ‘ambidexterity’ means being adept in using both right and left hand. It is a rare inborn trait but it can be learned. The versatility displayed in the use of each hand determines a person’s ambidexterity. Michelangelo, Leonardo Vinci, Einstein, Fleming, Harry Truman, etc., were all ambidextrous. In modern times, you will find many, who were originally left-handed but in the course of their childhood, were drilled to acquire right-handed habits (at school or home) and thus became ambidextrous.

Along the same lines, we could say we are being ambidextrous when we are multi-tasking – talking over the phone and taking notes or riding a bike, etc. The difference being that instead of our hands, we are using both our right and left hemispheres to successfully juggle our tasks. We have all heard about some people being ‘right-brained’ or ‘left-brained’. In essence it means that the person displays more ‘right’ or ‘left’ oriented skills, although we are all the time integrating both hemispheres in our daily activities.

‘Right’ brain qualities involve imagination, risk taking, artistic abilities, highly philosophical, creative, etc. ‘Left’ brain people, on the other hand, are practical, conformist, seek order, have good comprehension skills, etc. Thus ‘right-brain’ people are said to think subjectively, holistically and have strong intuition, while ‘left-brain’ people tend to be more logical, analytical and highly rational. It is found that more often, left-brain thinkers are engineers and scientists, while right-brain thinkers end up being artists and poets.

How and why is it that some people are more adept at certain kind of thought patterns than others? The fact is that while we may inherit certain mental traits and capacities, how we use our mind is what determines our mental prowess. As children we are innately right-brained, displaying great creativity, imagination, spontaneity, open-mindedness and enthusiasm but ironically, as we grow, social, cultural and racial influences constrain these natural traits.

The most comforting thought however is that we can greatly improve our mental abilities by choosing to change our thoughts and applying our mind in a particular direction. Thus if a person is a known conformist, who always walks down the beaten path, he could deliberately try new things, learn to take risks and think imaginatively.

When we combine the power of the two hemispheres, we will be working at our full potential. Ambidextrous mind or whole brain thinking - as it is also known - enhances our brain functions and injects a heightened level of awareness. To foster an ambidextrous mindset, we can work on right-brain learning activities by including patterning, metaphors, analogies, role-playing, visuals, and movement into reading, calculation, and analytical activities. Conscious effort to incorporate left and right brain activities, human consciousness studies, reflective thinking and meditation are excellent means to achieve an ambidextrous mind.

One easy technique that helps in such whole-brain thinking process is Mind Mapping. It aligns the mind to the diffusion of thought and paves way for streaming thoughts and associations. Association essentially is finding the links in logic and ideas, and when these are explored in full, it leads to insight, imagination and creativity.

If we look at great discoveries, we will find the application or association of principle (s) to another. Pertinently, colors, pictures, symbols, etc., highly enhance our learning process as they invoke vividness, clarity of perception and easy dissemination. Mind Mapping technique employs all these aspects and therein lays its power and dynamism. When learning and understanding is done using the Mind Map technique, it naturally becomes a highly effective and powerful way of gaining knowledge. It sure is an ideal way for fostering an ambidextrous or whole brain thinking culture.

About The Author

Dr. Vj Mariaraj is a Mind Map enthusiast and has been using Mind Maps for the past twelve years. He has created over 5650 Mind Maps. To learn more about mind mapping send an email to freemindmap@aweber.com. He is the founder of BusinessBookMindMap.com that creates Mind Map Summaries of Business Books. To learn more visit http://BusinessBookMindMap.com/mind-map.php?ac1.

Discover The Power Of Mind Maps

One of the essential aspects of time management is scheduling. In spite of increased automation and other high-speed devices, we still seem to be having so much to do and so little time left. But effective people know how to manage their time and achieve their goals with minimum of stress. The ideal way to make the most of your time is to schedule your activities and maintain them.

In order to draw up a realistic Schedule for all your activities, you have to first be clear about your immediate or short, medium and long-term goals. The goals would cover all areas of life – career, social, family, physical, religious or any other areas. Once these are clearly outlined, you will have to accord these goals priorities in terms of short, medium and long. This calls for a lot of realistic understanding of the existing situation and your personal commitment to achieve the same.

Based on the goals, you can then schedule your activity. Your broader goals should be assigned a clear time frame and you have to then plan your action that will take you closer to achieving them. The most common feature found in many of our daily activities is that we spent 80% of our time on non-essentials, while only 20% is accorded to the most vital jobs. This results in non-achievement of our goals and a sense of frustration and stress at our inability to attain the same.

You have to form To Do Lists for your daily activity and set priorities for them. It is essential you assess the nature of job and assign those work that can be delegated or outsourced to others and concentrate on the vital areas that require your personal action. Successful leaders always know when and how to delegate or outsource jobs, while leaving them to concentrate on the most critical areas of action.

Another very important element of Scheduling is blocking appropriate time for any contingencies. With practice you will learn how much to set aside for these. There are always some unexpected elements that will demand more of your time than originally envisaged. Of course you will not be able to guess when interruptions will occur, but by giving space in your schedule, you will give yourself the flexibility to react effectively to issues as they arise, even as you maintain your overall time schedule.

Thus an effective Scheduling would be one that is based on your personal goals – short, medium and long – and To Do Lists- daily, weekly, monthly - based on priorities. When both these elements are clearly covered, you will have a well-set Schedule for you to follow.

Needless to say, there are great varieties of diaries, calendars, organizers, PDA or a software package like MS Outlook or GoalPro 6 and the likes. However, a simple Mind Maps will do the job of all these put together. That is because Mind Maps provide a wide scope for inputting your goals, To Do List, Time Schedules and much more all in one comprehensive Mind Map. You could then create separate Mind Maps for Goals, To Do List, Time Schedule Lists, etc.

Apart from providing you a complete picture, such Mind Maps provide a sense of motivation and purpose behind your actions. These Mind Maps thus serve as a record and mark your progress. They help in providing connectivity amongst your varied goals and actions and pave way for applying creative solutions and approaches for achieving them. It is the simplicity and vividness of Mind Maps that makes them such a useful device for plotting your life and actions.

You will learn that being successful often means working smarter than just harder. Using Mind Map technique not only takes you nearer to your goal but faster and easier. Try it to know its effectiveness.

About The Author

Dr. Vj Mariaraj is a Mind Map enthusiast and has been using Mind Maps for the past twelve years. He has created over 5650 Mind Maps. To learn more about mind mapping send an email to freemindmap@aweber.com . He is the founder of BusinessBookMindMap.com that creates Mind Map Summaries of Business Books. To learn more visit http://BusinessBookMindMap.com/mind-map.php?ac18.

Harness the Power of Skill Sets and Mindsets

When you have a problem, sometimes you need a new skill or skill set to deal with it. That was an epiphany generated from listening to a speaker the other day. Everything seemed so clear in that moment. Yes, it made sense.

Sometimes when you wrestle with problems, you might not see an immediate solution and you struggle to find one. After a while, you might give up completely, thinking that it is impossible to find a solution for that particular problem. At that moment, the idea that you might simply need new skills or knowledge to overcome the difficulty can be very empowering.

Making that mental connection allows you to escape being stuck and giving up, it focuses your mind on a solution. It doesn't allow you to think that there is no solution which can only lead to depression or feeling 'down'.

But then you might think that you lack knowledge or skills in a certain area. Yet, you know that you could either find that knowledge or develop the skills to solve your problem.

Alternatively, you could hire someone to solve your problem. NO killing please, that is not a solution, but a doorway to greater problems. However, under normal circumstances, hiring someone with the right skills is perfectly acceptable. For example, you might higher a plumber if you have a problem with your shower or sink. You could take the time to learn the skills but you have to weigh the value of that learning curve against how much it would cost to actually hire someone with the skills already.

Maybe you have decided that there is no one with the skill set you need available or that it is worth your time to develop a new skill. What are some sources of knowledge and places to develop these new skill sets? Libraries, books, online searches, bookstores, Internet, circles of influence, brainstorming, mastermind groups and even asking someone you don't know for their viewpoint can sometimes yield new ideas, leading to new results.

The bottom line is that there are resources everywhere for you to tap into, you just have to open your eyes and allow yourself to become aware that this is the case. There is always a way to find new resources and you can keep tapping those resources for expertise until you find what you are looking for and you develop the new skill.

There are also ways to reframe existing problems. Questioning the underlying thoughts that support your belief that you even have a problem in the first place can sometimes yield interesting results. Sometimes we get stuck in a mindset and asking ourselves questions to understand the legitimacy or redefine the reality of situation can be most useful.

About The Author

Dave Snape writes for To Be Informed: http://tobeinformed.com.

Creating A Winning Mindset Using The Power of Hypnosis

Do you know anyone who always wins? Sure you know that person, everything just works out for them. They go into business and they are an instant success. They enter the dating scene and their phone rings off the hook. If they were in the Olympics, you just know they wouldn't settle for anything less than the gold. It seems as though they always win.

Why is it that some people just have IT and others seem not to? Want to learn the secret to their success? Ready? Here it comes....the secret to unstoppable success...drumroll please....Winners EXPECT to win!

That's the big secret. Simple, huh?

But, think about it for a moment...Winners actually SEE their success BEFORE it happens! Do YOU expect to win BEFORE you have even entered a situation...or do you assess your chances AFTER you are already in the situation? Or, even worse, do you imagine failure?
BEFORE selling a piece of real estate, winners EXPECT to get their asking price. BEFORE buying a car, winners EXPECT to get a discount.

Before running an Olympic race, winners EXPECT TO WIN the gold, so they do win! This one small thing gives winners a tremendous advantage over others.
Want to be a winner? Try the following exercise...

Close your eyes for a full minute and THINK about achieving a goal in your life...go ahead, close your eyes for one minute and really THINK about achieving it.
OK, now close your eyes again for one full minute and EXPECT to get it. Did you notice a difference? When we simply THINK about getting something, our thoughts tend to be vague.
There are also two options...getting it or not getting it (winning or losing). But, when we EXPECT to get it, there is only one possibility...getting it (winning).

So now that you know the secret, the next step is applying your powerful knowledge and getting yourself to that point where YOU ALWAYS EXPECT TO WIN. I suggest that you take a full minute pause right before entering any challenging situation. During that minute, close your eyes, and imagine winning. See it, feel it, hear it, imagine yourself already having won. Guess what...you will have programmed your mind to pull you powerfully in the winning direction.

When you do enter that situation, your words and actions will be generated from a winning mindset. Your path will be straight to victory...you will already know the way and EXPECT to get there...so you WILL get there. Using the power of hypnosis, you can easily program yourself for a constant winning mindset.

Until next time,

Live in abundant possibility!

Steve G. Jones, CHt

Copyright 2006 Steve G. Jones

About The Author

Steve G. Jones is a board certified Clinical Hypnotherapist who works extensively with Hollywood actors, writers, directors, and producers, helping them achieve their very best. Learn more about his products by visiting: http://www.betterlivingwithhypnosis.com.

Harness The Power Of Your Subconscious Mind

If you want to change your life, you have to change the way that you think. Easier said then done. I know lots of people that want to give up smoking, that want to lose weight, that want to improve themselves and although they may start off with the best intentions they don’t seem to get very far in their efforts.

You can blame your subconscious for that. The part of your brain that controls the core of you, that forms your behaviour. All your thoughts - negative and positive, your capabilities, hopes and dreams are embedded in there. Your future is literally shaped with what beliefs you have of yourself which you hold in your mind.

An example as to the power of the mind: take two people that are the same build, same weight, same sex, same in every way apart from the way they think - both have to run 100 metres, have never run before and are in excellent health. Person A is thinking, “I can’t do this, I was never any good at running. I’m going to fall, I look stupid - I know I can’t do it, I know I can’t.” Person B is thinking, “ I can do this. I am focused. I will look upon this as a challenge. I know I can only do my best. I can see myself finishing. ”

Whom do you think is more likely to succeed? Who has the better mindset? Person B obviously. People that tell themselves they can do something - they can do it! If you prepare yourself for a fall, then it is more likely you will fall. Tell your brain the opposite and the results can be amazing. We are surrounded by success stories everyday from athletes who break world records, business men that turn round failing companies , inventors who invent something against all odds and the list goes on. These type of people share something in common - they believe they can achieve their goals and they have complete faith in themselves. Sure they have their ‘down’ days too, but they do not let their negative thoughts consume them. Their subconscious is working for them and not against them.

Make your subconscious work for you by changing any negative thoughts into positive through the use of affirmations. Affirmations are positive statements which are repeated over and over. This is a powerful and effective technique and changes can be felt almost immediately. Regular use results in permanent change.

Each morning you could start the day like this for example:
“I am alive, I am awake, I am alert, I am healthy. I am focused, I am capable, I am strong, I am successful. Today I open myself up to opportunities and bring myself one step closer to my goals.”

Go to a mirror and look at yourself, now say the above affirmation five times aloud with authority and meaning. How do you feel afterwards? Energised? Ready for the day? Confident? What a lovely way to begin the day!

Choose what you want to improve about yourself or a goal you want to achieve and write down ten affirmations relating to this. Repeat them morning and night and frequently throughout the day. Anytime you feel yourself sliding into a negative mindset - say your affirmations. Believe what you say. Say it with conviction. Write them down, put post-its all over the house - keep the affirmations in your mind. Focus on them.

What you are doing is reprogramming your mind, you may not notice the subtle changes to begin with but you will notice a huge improvement in yourself or your situation in a matter of weeks. Instead of your subconscious constantly being told “I can’t do this…I’m not good at that…”, you are telling it “I can do this… I am this!” You are reprogramming yourself to believe, to know that you are able to do all the things that you want to do and be all the things that you want to be; and most probably already are but up until now your negativity has stood in the way of you realising it.

Nothing is beyond your reach. The world is your oyster. Your subconscious is an almighty force, start taking control of it and see what will transpire in your life. Remember it’s part of you, and it will create whatever you tell it to. Now go write those affirmations and get what you want.

About The Author

Chantal Matar lives in London and writes regularly on ‘mind, body and spirit’ related matters. She has improved her daily life with the use of affirmations and is a firm believer in subliminal software having experienced outstanding results with its use.
Visit www.subliminal-power.co.uk to discover how you too can make effortless changes in your life whilst working on your computer everyday.

The Power of Your Mind


I’m sure you have heard about the power of the mind. And also I’m sure you didn’t pay attention to that concept or maybe you didn’t give it credibility. However, you must know it’s the only way you can make miracles happen in your life. By using your mind properly you can change your life dramatically. You can object telling me you do use your mind in your own benefit, but I can show you didn’t do that. Just take a look at your daily routine; breakfast, work, fast lunch, work, date to dinner or beers with friends, maybe a session in a gym, back home to sleep, and that’s it. So, along this average routine you tell me at what time of your day you are using your mind to create, to build the lifestyle you would like to have?


As most of the people we used to watch our lives passing by inside pre-established routines inherited from our society. Most of us didn’t give ourselves the time to plan a life according to our expectations. We just let life to take us to a bank like the water in a river. We are just part of the life flow giving up to a, so called, destiny we may not agree. So, why do not give us a chance and try to use this concept in to our own benefit. Why not taking few minutes a day, or more if you can, to start building the lifestyle you deserve.


Everybody has some kind of frustration, even you, so you can start unloading it from your back. Now, the question is how to do it.

It’s simple and believe it or not you have used this power in the past. It happens usually when we are in front of limit situations. Remember some “big” problem you had and as consequence of thinking a lot in the way to solve it ... , almost magically like a spark of illumination, the solution just appeared in your mind! In the same way you can overcome your frustration(s) using adequately your thoughts.


As much people build their bodies at the gym, in the same way you have to dedicate some minutes every day to overcome your frustration(s) or to change that things you don’t like in your life. The way to do it is an adequate combination of thoughts, mind training, and will.

Thoughts are powerful. If combined with the other two elements they can make miracles happen. Jesus said “if you have the faith as the size of a mustard grain, you will be able to command this mountain throw itself to sea and the mountain would obey to you”, and where is faith?... right! in your mind! Faith is just some kind of thought. Einstein discovered the rules of the universe just by using his thoughts. Oh yeah, I can imagine what you are thinking now. You think you are not a celebrity just a regular guy with a normal life and you do not believe you can do such amazing things or discoveries. Believe me, I’m also a regular guy and maybe I won’t do things that change the world history, but you and I are able to make significant changes in our lives so we can do them more accordingly to our pleasure. In short, you can make changes in your life. You can influence for good your life with the proper use of your thoughts. You can start overcoming your frustration(s). I know that because I did it.

I know you are hesitating now and that’s a good start point. You dispose some time every day to take care of your body, to take care of your health, to take care of your appearance; so why do not care about your life. Why not dedicate some few minutes a day to build in your mind, using your thoughts, the lifestyle you want and deserve. What you have to lose. In particular, make your frustration(s) disappear.

Who influences every decision you make?... Your thoughts.
Who influences your state of mind?... Your thoughts.
Who influences your humor?... Your thoughts.
Who influences your life expectations?... Your thoughts.
Who rules your life?... Your thoughts.
Who controls your thoughts?... YOU! So?
It seems you just have to train your thoughts, right?


For instance, if you feel frustrated with your current job then force your mind to imagine a scene with you doing exactly what you would like to do. Imagine the scene with detail. Then create a sentence in present time like “I have a good job doing which pays me xxxxx $, and makes me feel happy”. Repeat this exercise as much as you can every day; and after some time you will start to see changes.

This is the way to induce changes in your life. Believe me, it works! You have to try it! You have nothing to lose!

About The Author

J. Ramiro Sejas M. Author of “How YOU Can Overcome Frustrations In An Easy, Cheap And Simple Way” http://www.overcoming-frustration.com P.S. I strongly recommend you to read my e-book if you want to get results faster. Because in my e-book I use more precise examples and most important I explain the way to combine adequately thoughts, mind training, and will for you to get better results.

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